Saturday, December 17, 2011

A 13.72 acre farm protected from development

WERNERSVILLE --- A 13.72 acre farm in North Heidelberg Township will become

the second farm protected from development by Adopt An Acre Inc. and the first

farm preserved under a Memorandum of Understanding with the County of Berks

which places the county on the deed of easement as a co-grantee. The MOU, which

was adopted in 2009, guarantees that the County will defend the conservation

easement in perpetuity if ever challenged. No county funds will be used to

purchase the easement. The Ludwigs will receive $1,250 per acre from Adopt An

Acre Inc. A permanent deed restriction will be placed on the property which

ensures it will remain in agricultural use.

Owned by George and Faye Ludwig, this farm is adjacent to two farms preserved by

the Berks County Agricultural Land Preservation Board and the Commonwealth of

Pennsylvania. These two farms, owned by the Hook family, total more than 90
